Senna Tea Weight Loss

Senna tea weight loss is another somewhat popular buzz (maybe not as much as green tea or oolong tea for burning fat but..) still this is widely used by the overweight individuals to get a much better naked looking slimmer body. This tea is made out of the plant leaves called Senna which is actually widely used as a ornamental plant also. Anyhow let's have a look at some of it's benefits such as how it can help to lose few pounds quickly or is it really possible?, etc type questions.

It doesn't have rich aroma ingredients and as a results it tends to be a bit lesser in bitter taste than the green tea can be. And also a little bit of grassy taste can be seen as well. Senna leaves contains few other types of things such as anthraquinones and because of this in the medical community it is often used as a laxative (natural one). But be careful if you're using these type of laxative products as I recently reviewed about trying to losing weight with laxatives article that you'll almost always be better off without them.

Anyway since the senna tea contains these ingredients as a safety issue please contact your doctor before trying. Now let's talk about how you can prepare it to drink.


This can be prepared in two different ways. You can either choose a product which can save some of the time that it takes to prepare or you can use the "old" method which helps to preserve some of the "natural" values, etc. Either way it's your choice.

Method - 1

*. Pick some of the senna leaves from the trees and crush them well (first wash them thoroughly). Then after the crushing is done put then into bowl of water and let it boil (at lest 16 - 20 minutes or few hours will be better).

*. Then consume twice a day (using a normal size tea cup for instance).

Method - 2

*. First purchase a product.

*. Boil some water (about 1.5 - 2 cups for instance, read the user manual that comes with the product or contact the manufacture for more details).

*. Boil it about 5-10 minutes or longer for better results (helps the water to consume the ingredients or absorb, etc).

*. Again consume twice daily (morning and in the late afternoon).

And as general tips which applies to the both methods - Eat lighter meals or low carb meal replacement shakes, make sure to include vegetables and fruits (read this article about foods that make you lose weight for more information) and do your daily home exercises.

But please be aware that using more than enough of laxatives (both natural and man-made products) can give birth to some serious health issues if cared less. So again my advice is that you should go to your doctor first because using higher amounts of senna tea can give abdominal cramps or pains, weaker muscles and water levels drops are just a few to name. So remember those things before starting out the senna tea weight loss process.

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