Protein Shakes for Women

There are mainly two types of protein shakes for women. One is for gaining weight and building muscles and the other is for burning fat and loosing weight. And the difference in these meal shakes (concerning the gender) are usually based upon (not the only fact though) difference in the required daily energy both these parties have to consume.

First I'll give you some basic understanding and then at the middle section you'll find a review of a protein shake also.

For instance women needs (roughly) 1200 calories per day while men needs much more to keep up with their bodies which is set around 1500 calories per day. But remember that these daily energy requirements are only recommended for those who wants to loose weight and not for others. And for others who wants to know how much calories that you need daily can use a calculator (as mentioned in References section at the end of the article) for getting to know the proper amount which is defined or depends on the age, gender, height, etc.

Few things to Remember Before Using These Products

*. Look for Your BMI - Stands for Body Mass Index. Remember even if you like to loose few more pounds but if your BMI is low then you're already underweight. You can use this BMI Calculator (look at the References section) for measuring your body index.

Now if you BMI reading is under 18.5 then it is accepted that you're an underweight individual. So why should you be concerned about this? Well because by being underweight - You'll be more vulnerable to infections, low physical energy and a weaker immune system are just to name a few. And especially for women by being underweight in your pregnancy period can give birth to symptoms such as Amenorrhea (an absence of  menstrual period). So if you're pregnant then pay extra attention before taking protein shakes (for both loosing and gain weight) and seeing a doctor is a must.

*. If You Have Diabetic - For both type 1 and 2 diabetic patients taking protein is not a bad thing but what you should be looking for is for proteins that contains lower amounts of sugar levels. One trick you can use is that while consuming these liquids diets you can mix them with milk or water. Don't use juices since they do contain higher amounts of sugar already. 

*. High Blood Pressure - Recent studies has shown that protein that is being made using plants (vegetables, etc) has the ability to lower the blood pressures and seems to do this job better than their made out of animal-type protein counterparts. But still there are few complications within the medical community as well. But again as a precaution if you have any especial health problems before purchasing and using any of these protein shakes for women you MUST see your doctor first. 

*. Wanna Gain Weight - If your purpose of the intake of protein is to gain weight then make sure to do your physical exercises as well since after consuming them if you "forgot" to do your exercises, and especially if you take higher amounts of protein then it can damage your kidneys as well. So make sure to do your exercises if you want to gain some muscles. 

So let's come back to a product review and remember this is not a weight loss or gain product but only a food supplement for women. 

Designer Whey Aria Women's Protein - by Next Nutrition, Review

Below are some of the specifications of this product (included ingredients, prices, how to buy, etc)

*. No artificial flavors, colors or other substances such as L-tryptophan (a type of amino acid) and sucrose (another flavor supplement - table sugar) are not included. 

*. Calories amount is 80, 1gram of fat, 3grams of Carbohydrate (more about low carb shakes), 1gram of Sugar, Vitamin B2 (helps to break down fat, carbohydrate, etc type things to produce energy much faster), Vitamin B12, 280grams of Calcium (very important substance for all living things which helps to grow and recover bones, etc) and 100 mg of Sodium are just to name a few. 

*.  How to Use it - Use two scoops of protein powder and mix it with 1/4 or 1/3 cup of water and mix well and then consume immediately. And you can also try it with others things such as yogurt, milk, etc and they'll add more calories as well. Further directions on how to use is included in the user manual section or contact the manufacture for more information. 

And if you didn't drink it immediately after shaking then after few minutes you'll have to re shake it again because it tends to settle down. Two flavors are available (both vanilla and chocolate). And the prices will be around $10-15 and seems pretty decent as well. So as a final note remember that this product is not a liquid diet for weight loss type product but one of the usual protein shakes for women. 


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