Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight

The answer to does drinking water help you lose weight question might surprise most of you but yes! it can actually help to get rid of some of the weight. So first of all let's have a look at the water and different ingredients or what it consists first (in a way everyone can understand) and then in the middle and the latter sections I'll talk about how much and in what quantity that you have to take in order to achieve the best fat burning results, etc.

The drinkable water consists of,

Water is one of the main building blocks of all living creatures and also over 70% of the earth consist of water including 60%-55% grown adults bodies also. Water consists of many things which are ranging from minerals to vitamins, etc. And when it comes to metabolic processes (food digesting, fat breaking downing, etc) water also has a major role to play (helping to control PH levels, etc) and also keep your kidneys healthy as well.

It consist,

*. Salt - Although if you take excessive amounts then that can create some bad health effects such as high blood pressures, hearth diseases but salt (comes in sodium) is an another essential mineral that your body needs in the proper amounts. A weaker salt amounts in your body can cause muscle pains and cramps for instance. But most importantly salt has zero calories and zero amounts of fat also. So it's an essential ingredient but has no negative effects on losing weight thanks to that. And depending on your age, etc the daily amount will differ but it is recommended to get at least 1500 milligrams per day (just below the size of a teaspoon).

*. Calcium - Another very important ingredient which helps to grow bones and teeth, etc and is recommended to have 1000-1200 milligrams per day (8 cups of water will give you 1/3 of that requirement).

*. Fluoride - Helps to protect teeth against decay .

*. Magnesium - Again helps for various important body related processes but more importantly improves the metabolism of proteins (breaking down protein) which help to reduce some of the muscle weight, etc.

*. Calories - None, zero, this is another benefit since more calories means more energy and your body stores energy in many forms such as fat, muscles. So zero calories means zero fat with every glass of water. But remember that calorie is a MUST and should be consumed in the proper amounts daily.

So this is just a little list of what it consists of but even from the list you can see that by drinking water to lose weight (in the proper amounts) can help to gain a lean body by stimulating various body related processes such as metabolism, acid neutralizing, etc. 

So how much you should drink and when?,

Well for the average person needs about 8-10 glasses of water (eight ounces of each glass) per day but this depends on the body size (weight). So if you're an overweight individual then you should consume an additional 8 ounces for every 25 overweight you have. To determine that you need to calculate your BMI (body mass index) and you can use this calculator for that. 

And while doing exercises (ask your doctor if you have heart, blood pressures, etc problems before doing physical activities) you must drink more because your body uses water as a way of getting rid of heat (energy) or as a carrier. This also depends on your weight, outside temperatures, etc. 

For instance a person with a slimmer body can run, job for a longer period of time but for an overweight person requires more in lesser time. Anyhow it is widely accepted that you'll have to consume a glass of water after 30 minutes of doing exercises. And remember don't over do it nor drink it less either. 
How to say if your body needs more water?,
There is a simple trick that you can use for this and that is when you urinate if the urine is nearly clear then your body haven't got the proper amounts probably (there could be many other reasons, kidneys, etc). 

So, can or does drinking water help you lose weight, yes it does and remember these things before doing anything. Use the BMI calculator and calculate your daily need of water and drink some more during exercise or workout sessions to burn more fat and if you have more questions please ask your doctor.

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