An Introduction to Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss
Both exercises and diets are among the most popular methods of weight loss. Using the diet as a means to achieve this task is among the best ways but the losing of weight has to be healthy one. Otherwise even if you loose some of that fat but still it’s done in an unhealthy manner then you’re going to end up with underweight problems, which also brings other related sickness such as low physical energy (and mental also), weaker immune systems (which also makes it easier for viruses and bacteria infections to expand in your body with ease), etc … are just to name a few. And in the middle section of this article you can find some of the meal replacement shakes for weight loss product reviews as well.
So the golden rule that you have to remember is that the meal replacement shakes have to be able to help you loose weight but at the same time giving you enough nourishment which helps to prevent those mentioned health related problems.
What to Look for when Purchasing a Meal Replacement Shake
OK first of all the reason of the shake is based upon the fact that they’re really easy (and quicker too) to make, because with our current lifestyle people are finding it hard even to cook their meals (which is a sad thing anyway). But not only that, they also have other benefits as well. For instance, if you cook your own meals that you have to know how much of this and that has to be in it (calories, protein, carbohydrate, etc) but with a meal shake you don’t have to worry about any of those since they come pre-included all those ingredients in one meal (they usually come as liquids).
There are two main types of shakes available (for both loosing and gaining weight) but since you’re interested in loosing weight then you should concentrate on,
1. Make sure it includes low amounts of Calories
2. Low amounts of Fat
3. Low amounts of Sugar
The amount can slightly differ between men and women. And depending on your height and other similar physical characteristics the recommended amount to be consumed will also differ. So below are few reviews of the protein meal shakes for weight loss products.
EAS Myoplex Lite Weight Loss Shake
This is a very popular weight loss shake from EAS (manufacture). Below are some of the features of this product.
*. 20 grams of Protein
*. 170 Calories which is significantly lower than their weight gain product range (50%+ lesser)
*. Over 22 vitamins and minerals
*. Fat Calories – 20
*. Cholesterol 15 mg
*. Carbohydrate 20 grams
*. Sugar 4 grams
*. Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, etc
*. Milk, Water, Soy Protein, Potassium Iodide, Manganese Gluconate, etc… are just to name a few.
How to use it? - Since this shake includes a lower amount of protein which helps to stay slim and lessen the fat. And consume it within 30 minutes of your daily workout. It also has several different flavors such as Cookies, Chocolate Fudge, French Vanilla and Strawberry Cream.
How it works? – Well to put it into very simple terms, keeping a healthy metabolic rate is one of the crucial factors when it comes to burn fat efficiently and the Soy Protein in Myplex Lite has the ability to improve metabolic rate which results in efficient fat burning. There are few Phosphate ingredients as well and they can help to exclude (or burn) more unnecessary calories (also when you workout too) which further enhances the overall weight loss. Either you’re a woman or a man you can use this to get a slimmer body.
And as mentioned earlier this has to be done in a “healthy” manner. So when you loose weight with Myplex Lite they “fill” that gap with few dozens (22) vitamins.
How to make it? - The making is very easy to do also. You have to take the proper amount (please read the instructions paper – it comes with it) and mix it with water or milk and put in the blender about 40 seconds and then you can drink it! It’s that easy.
The Cost – Well different flavors will have slightly different values. For instance the vanilla flavor costs around $40-50 and can be ordered through their website directly to your home.
Spiru-Tein Nutty Berry Burst (Manufacture – Nature’s Plus) Weight Loss Shake
This is another popular brand called the Nature’s Plus and also has long range of nutrition solutions. Here are some of the specifications first, but depending on the flavor they seem to include different amounts of each ingredients sometimes. So this only applies to the Spiru-Tein Nutty Berry Burst.
*. Fat 0 (so zero fat from Calories as well)
*. Sugar 8 grams
*. Sodium 140 mg
*. Potassium 110 mg
*. Vitamins – D, E, B6, B12, etc…
*. Phosphorus, Zinc, Magnesium, Iodine (just to name a few) are not included
How to Use it? – Add one cup of the spiru-tein vanilla powder with the provided Scoop, to any of the following liquids (8 fl. Oz) – skim or whole milk, Juice and shake it to mix until they become smooth and the manufacture emphasizes to use cold milk or juice for the best results. And you can even use a little bit of ice cream and a banana too but make sure not to add anything with high amounts of sugar or protein because they can seriously damage the total effectiveness.
· And some customers pointed out that even though the manufacture says it can be used without a blender but to make it more favorable to drink some emphasize of mixing it with a blender.
· This also comes with different flavors such as strawberries and chocolate for instance so make the choice while you purchasing this weight loss meal replacement.
The Price – This can easily be one of the cheapest of all too. The above mentioned flavored shake costs around $12-15 (544 Grams of powder) and this also can be purchased through online also.
So as a final note please remember that, make sure to study a little bit about the flavor too because it doesn’t matter how good it is but gives you a hard time drinking. And one last thing, even if you found the best meal replacement shakes for weight loss but if you’re too lazy to do the proper physical exercises then the results can be somewhat time consuming to achieve. So do your exercises as well to get the best out of it, so I wish you all the best!
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