Diet soda weight loss is not something new when it comes to dozens of different methods that are being used to loosing weight by burning body fat, but both soda and your stomach known to have few issues with each other. For instance drinking certain types of soda drinks has proven to reduce the ability to consume or digest foods. So anyone who's going to use these products has to be very careful about many things.
Anyway there are many types among these products such as sugar free, both natural and artificial sweetened, with more calories and protein, etc are just to name a few. The history of these products are also not that bright either (consists of several banned chemicals, etc) and few of the artificial flavors such as Cyclamates and Saccharin were among the early banned chemicals.
So anyway again the way these weight loss products try to achieve weight loss is mainly through controlling the apatite. Or in other words they include low amounts of sugar and other related things and in my opinion the included Co2 can make your stomach feels like "full" and can help to control the appetite for sometime. But there are however many complaints that these product fails (most of the time) to reduce hunger. But some people also have some results through them which further complicates the problem.
Is it good or bad?
So the dilemma here is that actually not getting rid of that fat but it effects on your body (both positive and mostly negatively). The included caffeine (in high amounts) is another concern among health issues. And there were few studies have been taken all over the world to test these issue practically. One such experiment which was done through University of Texas Health department suggested that after using these products and their included chemicals can actually result in gaining weight rather than reducing it (by stimulation the apatite, etc) but they however didn't say that it was the soda itself behind the weight gain and is still not properly answered.
Another study which was done by the Framingham Heart Study showed that when used for longer times these diet coke weight loss solutions can result in not only being able to make people more vulnerable against gaining weight but also can have negative effects on your metabolic processes and can even be the starting point of several metabolic related health symptoms and sugar related illnesses also. They furthermore suggested that by drinking artificial flavored chemicals can stimulated your "greed" for more sweet foods, etc.
So to fight back at these issues companies such as Coca Cola for instance introduced "new versions" of their products with less calories and sugar (reduced more than half). But after seeing these experiments from these respected places in my opinion - if you're thinking about using these products please re-consider it again. Use a more close to nature methods such as eat a bit less and doing exercises are among the best methods (most probably unbeatable too) and they may take some time to show results but it's better to wait a bit longer because it'll be totally worth the wait because shortcut methods do have their own negative health related issues.
Or if you want to consider taking meal replacement shakes for weight loss then again please ask for your doctor first and follow his guidance to avoid any negative health problems such as these diet soda and weight loss methods can deliver.
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