Weight loss after childbirth or pregnancy is another very common need that all the female individuals with a recent child birth has to face. One of the reasons behind this need is the weight gain requirement that has to be achieved during pregnancy period which is a basic need for both the mother and the child inside of her womb. Because more nutrition's are needed now more than ever for again both you and the child and more weight means more energy or calories, etc thus serves the needs of the hunger for both individuals.
Depending on you weight you have and few other things the weight gain amounts will differ but according to the Institute of Medicine certain increase of calories has to be consumed through foods, drinks, etc. And and if your BMI (body mass index) is around 18.5 to 25 (use this calculator) will have to gain additional 11-16 kg of mass. And if you're below the 18.5 BMI mark then you're an underweight female individual and will have to gain 12.7 - 18 kg of weight. Even if you're an overweight already still it is recommended for increasing up to 6.8-11.3 kg.
Anyway our primary concern here is what you have to do after the childbirth (or pregnancy period) in order to burn some of that fat (and muscles) and posses a lean body. So here are few of the things that you can do. And remember if any of these confuse you just remember these few words, eat healthy foods and do some exercises! that's the most simplest way to achieve this.
*. Eat foods that has lesser amounts of calories and protein. But remember assuming that you're still breast feeding the new born then make sure still gain the all the proper nutriments in their proper amounts.
For this you can eat foods that has higher amounts of fiber. Higher amounts of fiber can be found on vegetables such as Avocado, Carrot, Lima Beans, Eggplant, Mushrooms, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Spinach are just a few to name.
For fruits you can eat Banana, Apples, Kiwi, Figs, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Oranges, Guava and Apricots are just a few.
What the fiber do to help burn more fat thus resulting helping in loosing weight is that it has the ability to control your apatite (in a good way) or has the ability to make your stomach feels full for a longer period of times thus avoiding a reasonable amounts foods intake.
*. Switch to smaller but frequent meals
So replace your usual 3 meals (+ the additional this and that in between, etc) with smaller but more meals (5 meals per day will be best).
This again will help you to avoid some of the hunger that arises in between meals and rather than filling them with junk "quick" food what you're now doing is splitting up your main meals (which includes proper nutrition, etc) and consume better foods instead.
*. Drink Water
Since water has no calories at all which can really helpful to achieve the weight loss after childbirth. Not only that water can neutralize the PH levels in your body by mixing with acid substance (a process called alkalinity) thus resulting a more enhanced immune system which is then followed with increased in oxidation (another process that helps to break down or burn fat and calories for energies, etc) and also has the ability to increase the Vitamins and other mineral consuming functions are some of the other few added advantage.
*. Breastfeed
Yes, giving away milk to your child means giving away calories and proteins. Or in another words you're giving away energy. So loosing energy means loosing fat and weight as simple as that.
How to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy
This is another area which contains a lot of fat and calories (in layers) of your body and usually it's important is such that by loosing your belly fat after pregnancy can have a significant effect on your overall body shape. So here are few things that you can try for that.
1. The best methods are to do some physical workouts. But before doing these exercises make sure to drink a little water and some more after the workout also and don't over do these exercises and do them gently. And for any reason if you feel heavy pains on your belly, etc please stop doing and take proper medical advices. Now below is a video that I found and since exercises (especially the ab workouts) are really harder to explain on written materials I though this would come handy.
2. According to some of the researches done in middle of 2009 by stimulating Pro-biotic organisms (a type of bacteria that helps to keep a proper bacteria balance in or around gut) in the gut by giving a group of woman who are in their post pregnancy period through pills such as bifidobacterium the researchers confirmed that the results by using these bacterial simulations did out perform other methods. But before using these pills you must see your doctor first.
3. Walking is an another way to reduce your belly muscles. You don't have to do this alone and can even use those walks with your baby for this purpose, just make sure you do it in a bit speedy manner.
* Get the proper amounts of sleep
This is another very crusual factor and even though it is not that easy to achieve with the "little one" but you have to. Because when you're tired the body releases more cortisol (for stimulating muscles and cells, etc - more energy is needed to keep them "awake" to put it into simple terms) and other chemicals that can have a negative effect on your weight loss goal because they will put some more. And the amount can be different from one person to the other but usually 6-8 hours of sleep will be just perfect more most of us.
So as a a conclusion these are not the only methods that you can try but I tried my best to put something valuable for my readers. Anyway please remember be careful while doing diets (if you do make sure your body receive the proper nutriments it needs) and stay away from diet soda products if you're using liquid diets.
So as a final note - don't try to do it fast and be patient with your goal of weight loss after childbirth! (pregnancy) as this is known to take some time but hey... nothing is impossible you can do it!
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